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Grouse Recipes






Sautéed Grouse Breasts

2 grouse breasts
Fresh garlic
Black pepper
7-8 juniper berries
2 cups brandy
Oil-butter (50-50) for frying

Dredge breasts in seasoned flour. Crush the juniper berries and use with other seasonings. Brown garlic in oil and butter and remove. Brown the breasts and add 1 cup of brandy, preheated. Flame the breasts (light the brandy and allow to burn while stirring constantly), being careful of the flames. Cover the skillet and allow the breasts to simmer until done. Do not overcook.

Just before removing meat, add another 2-3 tbsp. of chopped garlic and another juniper berry or two, and sauté lightly. Then add more brandy (up to 1 cup) and flame as before. Remove breasts to plate. Degrease the pan if necessary, and boil the pot liquor to reduce. Thicken with seasoned flour, correct the seasoning, and serve with boiled rice to which sautéed mushrooms have been added.

Wild Life Recipes - more grouse recipes